75% of Americans Have Changed Their Spending Habits this Year
According to new research three out of four Americans say they are more careful spenders and savers this year compared to last year. Most attribute this change to the recent pandemic. When Americans do want to spend

Walmart Will Host Drive-in Movies
Beginning August 14th through October 21st Walmart will host free drive-in movies in its parking lots. The movie line-up is subject to change and will include hits like “Black Panther,” “Spiderman: Into the Universe,” and “Wonder Woman.”

From their website: In an effort to best serve our customers, we have implemented a new online appointment system. As of April 6, 2020, all South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV) customers who want to conduct

Craft breweries may have to dump beer as kegs go bad
YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED TO RESCUE BEER!!! While some breweries in Colorado are considering dumping their brews (read article below), the Upstate isn’t quite there yet, but LET’S NOT TAKE ANY CHANCES! The Upstate is home to

first responders and healthcare workers get a free lunch from Anderson Mall Food Court
On Friday April 25th from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., first responders and healthcare workers will receive a complimentary to-go lunch at the Food Court as a special thank you from Anderson Mall. This lunch is one small

Free tire safety checks and flat repair at Upstate RNR Tire Express locations
During these changing times, RNR Tire Express is open and committed to serving the community. Their team has been trained to maintain a safe and clean environment. They are offering FREE Tire Safety checks, FREE Flat Repair

GVL Today has a great roundup of local info, daily!
GVL Today is a daily newsletter including “the best of what you need to know about Greenville, SC – curated, condensed + delivered to your inbox and social feeds every day.” Subscribe to their daily newsletter for

Pinyu Home Connect services are free!
Call centers across the country are overwhelmed and understaffed, so customers are experiencing longer and longer hold times. Don’t spend hours on the phone trying to hook up your new services! If you are having trouble getting

Wingstop is offering free delivery!
Wingstop is offering Free Delivery through the month of April! Customers can order through wingstop.com (or on Doordash) and there is no delivery fee. This is for all Wingstop locations, nationwide, including the three Upstate locations: on

Charleston Sports Pub Take out or Delivery
Currently open from 11am-10pm for takeout and delivery. Daily specials: Monday: 1/2 price burgers Tuesday: $3 tacos Wednesday: 20 fried or boneless wings for $14.99 You can call your order in to the nearest store or place your

Simpsonville Chamber of Commerce helping local businesses plan for recovery
A message from their President/CEO, Allison McGarity Here is a quick overview of the steps we’ve taken to support local businesses now and begin planning for recovery: We added a COVID-19 Resource Page to our website

Spartanburg Restaurants: Takeout and Delivery
GoUpstate.com has published this list of restaurants in Spartanburg! If you would like to add your restaurant’s information to this list, email gwhisnant@shj.com

United Way expands 211 to include COVID-19 Resources
The United Way of Greenville County has a phone service dedicated to helping you find resources during the pandemic. From their website: UNITED WAY 2-1-1 SERVICE LINE We have expanded our 2-1-1 hotline, now available 24/7 to

(Virtually) Tip a local server!
Right now, your family, friends and neighbors in the service industry are severely impacted by social distancing and quarantine. Fewer patrons and closing restaurants is tough on everyone, from the customers to the staff, and every little

Greer industrial bakery offering bread and pastries
Southern Baking, a locally-owner industrial bakery in Greer, is now offering white and wheat bread for pickup, according to a Facebook post by Cindy Lupinski Koelsch (below). ***EDITED TO ADD: THEY ALSO HAVE PASTRIES! Muffins (blueberry, cranberry

Local Ace Hardware/Landscapers Supply now offering curbside pickup and delivery
Please call (864) 402-0470 and select your store location to place an order. From their Facebook page: These are extraordinary times and as we shift our focus and presence much closer to home, we at Landscapers Supply